Player Resources
The recruiting process is difficult to navigate. We compiled free resources to help you with the process. Consider attending one of our summer ID camps for recruiting exposure to our staff of active college coaches representing more than 25 colleges. Our camps provide both on and off-the-field training to help high school students pursue their dream of playing collegiate soccer.
Soccer Resumé Template
Use this word template to build your soccer resumé. It is important to have a soccer-specific resumé you can send to college coaches. This template suggests that you insert a link to a youtube video of you playing. Start here and save yourself the headache of formatting.
Example Pre-tournament Letter to College Coaches
Before you head to the next tournament, send coaches of colleges of interest an introductory letter and let them know when and where you are playing. Coaches appreciate knowing your jersey number and playing position prior to the start of the tournament.
Example Pre-Tournament Email to College Coaches
Remember that the best way to start the recruiting process is to simply initiate contact. Tell the coach "I am interested in your program. Please evaluate me". Make sure to initiate contact prior to tournaments.
Example Post-Tournament Email to College Coaches
After the tournament, use this email to follow-up with coaches that were in attendance. This can help guide the next stage of your recruiting and hopefully lead to a campus visit.
How To Make A Recruiting Video
Recruiting videos are a very important part of the recruiting process. We created a document to help you make an effective recruiting video including tips on how to improve the odds of a coach watching it.
How to Choose A Summer Soccer Camp
If time or resources are limited, you want to make sure to pick the right summer camp. Use our list of 14 questions to find the camp that is right for you. Find the answers online or call and ask to speak with the camp director.
Top 10 Questions to Ask a College Coach
When you have the opportunity to talk with a college coach, you want to ask intelligent and pertinent questions. Use our list of recommended questions and find the college soccer program that is right for you!
Exercise and Fluid Replacement
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends athletes develop a personalized hydration plan as hydration needs can vary considerably between individuals. Develop your plan and make sure to start hydrating 4 hours prior to events!
Coach's Letter of Recommendation
Forward this word template to your coach when you ask for a letter of recommendation. Many coaches are willing to write letters but are limited on time. They can use this as an example.
College Scoring Sheet
Use this template to score your top colleges of choice. Scoring criteria includes School location/size, Programs/Majors, Cost, and Athletics. Input your responses to the criteria and see the scores!
Anya Chekalin, our SAT specialist, presented to campers this week. Check-out the slide show for more information.
Speed and Agility Drills
This document contains several speed and agility drills for individual training. Consider adding these drills into your weekly training regime. Make sure you use the summer months to work on your skills.
Helpful Links for Navigating the College Soccer Recruiting Process
Do's and Dont's of College Recruiting
US Youth Soccer Show interviewed Schellas Hyndman, a former college and professional coach, to talk about the do’s and don’s of college recruiting. This article includes very helpful insider information on the recruiting process that can help you.
Recommended Steps for Student-Athletes
The College Board compiled a list of recommended steps for student-athletes in search of a college program. The College Board is a non-profit organization that promotes college-readiness.
2019-20 NCAA Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete
This NCAA Eligibility Center document provides useful information on academic eligibility requirements, athletically related financial aid, and other topics.
FAQs about the NCAA Eligibility Center
Student-athletes must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center to be eligible to play NCAA Division I or II sports in college. To better understand eligibility standards review the FAQs on the College Board's website. The NCAA recommends that student-athletes register in the beginning of their junior year of high school.