Hone Your Skills, Stand Out, Have Fun
When: July 9th-11th, 2025
Where: Lasell University, Boston MA
Who: 8th-12th graders
Schools Attending in recent years:
Babson College * Boston College * Bowdoin College * Bryant University * Clark University * Clarkson University * Colby College * Colby Sawyer College * Connecticut College * Drexel University * Emerson College * Endicott University * Harvard University * Holy Cross * MIT * Nichols College * Northeastern University * Southern NH University * Stonehill College * Lesley University * Tufts University * Union College * University of Albany * UMass (Boston) * UMass (Dartmouth) * UMass (Lowell) * University of Connecticut * University of New Hampshire * Wheaton College * WPI *
Camp Details
Two sessions are currently accepting registrations.
Session : July 9-11, 2025
Incoming 8th-12th graders from all over the United States and around the World are invited to register and play.
Lasell University
1844 Commonwealth Ave
Newton, MA 02466Located 8 miles from downtown Boston.
How Much?
Residential $699.
Non-Residential $599.Group rate discounts available.
Unlike other camps CSA offers coaching and guidance off the field with programming surrounding college admissions and more.
Coaching staff comprised of exclusively college coaches
CSA is a player recruitment summer destination for coaches. 2025 staff coming soon.
What’s Included
Guaranteed training with college coaches + recruiting exposure
Exposure to 100% of coaches in attendance. Coach requests can be made during online registration.
Fun and competitive playing
+ training environment
Including daily technical training for all position players, 11v11 and 7v7 matches
7:1 camper to staff
+ 9:1 camper to college coach ratio
Competitive camper to staff/coaching ratios insure every participant receives support and exposure.
Professional staffing
+ 2 certified athletic trainers on-site
Outside of our college coaches, our professional staff and athletic trainers support players on and off the field.
Off the field training
+ presentations
Including how to navigate the recruiting process, sports yoga, SAT Prep, ACL injury prevention + more!
Stay on Campus
Housing and meals provided by Lasell University in air-conditioned dormitories, and dining halls respectively. All facilities are within walking distance from training facilities.
Sample Daily Schedule
Get a sense of what CSA camp will be like with our sample daily schedule. You can also view last years schedule.
More Information
Check-in/out is 10:30am-3:00pm at Rockwell Hall, Lasell University, Boston, MA. Visit out FAQ for more information or contact Scott Black, Camp Director, collegiatesocceracademy@gmail.com
or (617) 312-9096
Camper Testimonials
2025 Coaching Staff
We are continuously adding coaches for 2025 sessions - check back soon for more additions.
For detailed staff, information visit the Boys Staff page and check out our Past Staff page for a list of coaches from recent years.
Coaches from the following colleges and universities have committed to attending:
Session I: July 9-11, 2025
At CSA, you receive recruiting exposure to all coaches in attendance. Coach requests can be made during online registration.
The coaches listed are subject to change.