Final Payment
For players who paid a deposit upon registration final payment is due June 1. Our preferred method of final payment is check. Please postmark checks by June 1. Payment instructions are below. Late payments may be assessed a $20 fee and may jeopardize your spot in the academy. If you have any questions, please call 617-312-9096.
Payment By Check (Preferred Method):
Please make check payable to “CSA”, and note player's name on the check. Mail check (postmarked by June 1) to the following address:
Collegiate Soccer Academy
3 Mason Drive
North Grafton, MA 01536
An email receipt will be sent when payment is received.
Payment By Credit Card:
You may also pay online by credit card. Please note that an invoice or remaining balance will NOT appear on your account. Follow the below steps to pay online:
Login to your family account.
Under Children Section at the bottom of the page, click 'View'.
3. Click "Add a Payment to your Account".
4. Manually enter amount and click "Pay now". Partial payments will not be accepted. If you are unsure of your balance, please call or email.
5. Complete and submit Credit Card information. If you are having trouble entering an international credit card, please call 617-312-9096 and we can take payment over the phone.