How to contact college soccer coaches- A Student-Athlete perspective
Taking the initiative and reaching out to a college coach for the first time can be a daunting task. One of the first things to keep in mind is that while college coaches are very busy, there is a good chance that they will see your efforts to get in touch.
“There is a fine line between persistent and annoying, but coaches are human beings just like you and appreciate the effort.”
College coaches always have potential student-athletes trying to get in touch with them, so it is important to be persistent in displaying your interest. Obviously, there is a fine line between persistent and annoying, but coaches are human beings just like you and appreciate the effort. As a student-athlete, you’ll stand out with a few emails and maybe a phone call or two. Most coaches have their emails and even their phone numbers on school websites. Unless you’re the next up and coming superstar, you’re going to have to do more than sending one email or leaving one voice message displaying your interest.
When reaching out, it is always best to be thorough.
Address the email or phone call the specific coach at each school of interest. Simply writing/saying “Dear Coach,” doesn’t signify how interested you are because you could be talking to any coach.
Include your club, jersey number, upcoming games/tournament times, and contact information in every email so that Coach can keep in touch with you.
Another way to demonstrate your interest is to reach out to admissions. Having the grades and enough extracurriculars is also important when looking at schools. If your GPA is too low, admissions will be your be your biggest obstacle.
“Coaches will always be more inclined to recruit athletes that meet the academic standards of their schools.”
Admissions contact information is also simple to find on any school’s website. Researching the necessary GPA and standardized test scores to be admitted can help keep you on track academically. Coaches will always be more inclined to recruit athletes that meet the academic standards of their schools.